Life " Without"

Life without gluten - can be challenging. Life without dairy can also be challenging.
Life without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, almonds, peanuts, fish, green beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, (and basically all other beans) peas, asparagus, pineapple, honey, and garlic.... iiiis - My life.
And trust me, I know fully well that life with food allergies can be more than challenging.
So to all of you out there who find yourselves in a similar situation. Here's to you. Because I've done it.
And, though it's been quite a journey from the panicked " What am I going to do? I'm hungry , and I CAN'T...EAT... ANYTHING!!! " To learning to calmly ( and pretty downright tastily) live each day. I've had some amazingly tasty breakthroughs in the process.
So, here is my blog. And it is dedicated to all of you other (very) allergic people! I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The (almost) Epic start of the GAPS diet

Sooo... My life has been a little bit... insane for the past while since I have posted last. (My mother having cancer; my sudden trip to Ecuador with her to get natural treatment; her eventual healing; and simply trying to re-prioritize and make life work since then... etc. etc.) In spite of those excuses though, I apologize for not posting for all this time! I also apologize for not yet posting some of the recipes I promised a few of you! ( I still plan on it though!) Please be patient with me! I will get them up eventually!

Otherwise though, this post is basically to introduce a new set of posts that I will be doing. This past year, my mother and I started doing research on the GAPS diet. ( For those of you who do not know, GAPS stands for Gut And Psychology Syndrome) It is based on the studies and research of Doctor Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, MMedsci(neurology), MMedsi (nutrition)
All of those letters put into other words, she is a doctor who is also a medical scientist in the fields of neurology and nutrition.

Dr Campbell-Mcbride studied the relation between many of the neurological diseases (Autism, depression, dyslexia, ADHD, Crohns, Celiac etc.) and other digestion issues, made some amazing discoveries and healed her autistic son. She basically, goes through and shows you what to do to use the proper nutrition (in ways that a compromised and weakened body can handle) to heal the body of digestion problems and a lot of those neurological problems as well. Amazing right?
You can find the book on Amazon here.
Or see a website explaining more about the GAPS diet here:

So, like I said, essentially, she shows you how to heal your digestion. (from intolerance, food allergies, parasites, non-beneficial bacteria overgrowth, yeast overgrowth etc.) and helps you learn to feed your body the proper nutrition to heal not only your digestion, but so it has the building blocks to re-build the rest of your immune system, including a compromised neurological system, hence aiding greatly in the healing of those diseases.

Because I am someone with A) Multiple food allergies (and other digestive issues) and B) other chronic health issues. When I found someone who basically put every bit of research I had found valid over the many years of searching and studying concerning things that I had (as well as what many other people had) and what I should to to recover/heal from it... Iiiiii was pretty excited! She not only puts a lot of the medical research into fairly shirt-sleeve English, but she combined what I already knew and gives a step-by-step on what to heal from it.
My mother and I found this diet that basically teaches how to be healed from almost every food allergy, as well as parasites and such ( which I have fought with endlessly over the years) So that they don't come back. So, since it doesn't contradict most research I've done, (and actually supports practically all of it) you better believe that I am going to do it!

... Ok, sounds vaguely interesting, but kind of complicated, and NOT like a recipe, right?

Let me bottom line why I am telling you about all of this. *stands on a shoe box and proclaims * HENCEFORTH, All recipes on this blog (unless otherwise clearly stated) are going to be what I and my family have dubbed " GAPS friendly"! ^_^ They may not be * as* interesting to some of you. I apologize if that is the case, but I hope that many will still be... fairly interesting!
For anyone else wanting to heal from food allergies or digestive issues, or if you are otherwise wanting to implement the GAPS diet --
Here is the recipes for what I made and am making, so, if you wish, you can do them yourself. Also, at my new blog will be (a revised version of this post) AND the extent of my path and (a probably greatly simplified version of) the day-to-day happenings of living on the GAPS diet, as well the process of my gradual healing. I'm doing this in order for anyone wanting to do the GAPS diet themselves to see what I am doing, how it works, and what tips there are that I would give any fellow GAPSters from my journey towards a healthy- allergy free body. =)
*Woot!* =)

(P.S. for anyone actually starting the GAPS diet, I would also highly recommend the "GAPS GUIDE" book, as it is a bit more of a comprehensive guide to actually implementing the GAPS protocol. )

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